Friday, June 24, 2016


Congrats to Matt and Sheldon - our 2016 Award winners! Also to Connor our new club president and Erik our new VP! Goodbye (but certainly not good riddance ;P ) to Ryan - thankyou for your 3 years of service as club admin!

 I have also added the new club photo:

PS: FOR PETES SAKE PEOPLE PLEASE SHOW UP FOR THESE PHOTOS!!!!! I understand that the kids from other schools and others from the community cant necessarily be there but there are a crap tonne of you who just don't show for this. Please come Next year.....

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Changing of the Guard

After several years as our President, Ryan will be stepping down and making room for a new leadership. It has been decided that the position will become a shared one with Connor as the new President and Eric as VP.  I am sure great things are ahead for the club as both of these guys have become ambassadors of our warmachine/hordes communities (eric with his Menoth and Connor with his Legion) and both have been very active in a wide variety of other games - from Zombies Keep Out, to BANG! to our video game days - these two have a great appreciation of gaming and the camaraderie this club stands for.

As discussed at the meeting we will also use this split leadership to help us stay atop of using this blog as a better communication and reporting tool as well! Cool Beans.

I for one welcome our new overlords and am looking forward to the new season of fun headed our way in September!

Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Hey all a reminder that this Saturday there will be demos at Quinte Toy Con! It is a great time to bring along some friends that haven't seen the club yet and round up some new blood :)

See you there!