So we got off track with the online reporting of the unlock league.
I have posted here the previously recorded results and will properly update them as a record of your heroics!
We are also launching into the riven bonds campaign and will be using the campaign reporting part at the top to track our special hero development!
Also there has been a motion brought to the club to continue the achievement unlocks in concert with the new league. We will take a vote at the next meeting to see if you want to add this extra feature.
Matthew Crittenden (130)
Alex Howard (210)
Connor Crowley (30)
Eric Donaldson (100)
GP Lattanzio (80)
Gabe (30)
Mr Craig
Portia Chapman (20)
Week 1
Alex - Win/Bounty Hunter/Carpenters Eye/Cunning Tactician/Safety Net/Mage Hunter/New Achievement = 70 (+10 battle rep pending)
Eric - Loss/Knockout/Hulk Smash/Carpenters Eye/Revenge = 40
GP -Win/Taking Credit/Oh Blast!/Make New Friends=40
Gabe - Loss/HULK SMASH!/Make New Friends =30
Week 2
Alex - Win/Carpenters Eye/In character 2/Master of the Arcane/Slaughter1/Totally OP/Benched/
Foot Race/ Longshot/ Unfathomable/ You Wont like me When I'm Angry/ Knock Out/New Achievement/Make New Friends =140
Connor - Loss/Unified Strike/Make New Friends/Carpenters Eye=30
Portia - Win/Make New Friends=20
GP - Loss/Friendly Fire/In Character2/Stopped Short/make new friends =40
Matt - Win/Carpenters Eye/Cunning Tactician/Im not dead...yet/sword swinger/
In Character 2/Slaughter1/totally op/foot race/tempt fate/knockout/make new friends/new achievement=130
Eric - Loss/In Character 2/Refuge and Respite/Sword Swinger/Tempt Fate/New Achievement/Make New Friends =60