Here is the next in our series of "first impression" articles by gamers in our club - trying to explain Warmahordes factions as they see/understand them thus far - mostly for the benefit of other new gamers. I hope you will enjoy the insight, feel free to contribute comments and advice, and check back weekly for more updates and info.
“Conviction is more lethal than any blade, truth stronger than any shield.”
-Prime Mk.II
The Protectorate of Menoth fights the glory of Menoth, the creator of man with a plentitude of ability buffs and BURNING FLAME!
Often lacking in basic ability they instead use a lot of buffs from prayers to grant them the strength and survivability they need.
Often lacking in basic ability they instead use a lot of buffs from prayers to grant them the strength and survivability they need.
The priests also have many abilities to counter and undo enemy spells, limiting your enemy’s options in that regard.
When it comes to their own offence the Protectorate prefers melee and flame weapons. Simple flails and relic swords are wielded along sided with the latest in flamethrowers. They like setting things on fire a lot.
The Protectorate does not have as much ranged capacity as other factions so those defensive buffs will be very important if you want to stay alive long enough to use those flamethrowers.
High Exemplar Kreoss – Although he is a member of the Knights Exemplar Kreoss’s place is support. Most of his spells defend his fellows and the ones that don’t are offensive spells that work just as well channelled through arc nodes. His feat (in the name of Menoth!) is one of nastiest out there, knocking down all the enemies in his control area and at 7 focus that is not a small area.
Grand Scrutator Severius – An old priest who calls down the will of Menoth to aid the faithful. He has a balance of offensive boosts, defensive boosts and damaging spells for channelling. He can also preach and convert an enemy trooper into a faithful. His feat completely shuts down spell casting in his control area for a round, and at 8 focus that is even more so not a small area.
Hierarch Severius – Siverius was promoted to Hierarch, the “Pope” of the Protectorate. The spells have changed but their general purpose is the same. There is a slightly heavier emphasis of the offensive spells, he even has a ranged attack he can channel so he will always have use for those arc nodes. His feat ether sets the undead on fire or gives him control of the living for one turn.
Repenter – The flames of redemption spray from this warjack’s flamethrower.
Revenger – A defensive warjack carrying an arc node.
Crusader – A melee warjack.
Vanquisher – A ranged warjack that sets things on fire with its blasts.
Blessing of vengence - a character version of the Revenger (conversion)
Fire of Salvation -character version of a crusader (conversion)
Blessing of vengence - a character version of the Revenger (conversion)
Fire of Salvation -character version of a crusader (conversion)
Choir of Menoth – A warjack support unit.
Daughters of the Flame – A nimble and quick strike/assassination unit.
Exemplar Cinerators – Armoured knights whose brutal swords unleash flame...
Also worth Noting: Herne & Jonne. This Dwarf and Ogrun artillery team has proven to be a very popular mercenary unit in many club games here and has actually seen more play in Menoth forces than in any of the pure Merc lists. They fill a great role of laying down some very impressive template fire as the more close range warjacks make their way up the field.More units/solos etc. for this VERY popular army are sure to make an appearance throughout the next year here at the club.
Also worth Noting: Herne & Jonne. This Dwarf and Ogrun artillery team has proven to be a very popular mercenary unit in many club games here and has actually seen more play in Menoth forces than in any of the pure Merc lists. They fill a great role of laying down some very impressive template fire as the more close range warjacks make their way up the field.More units/solos etc. for this VERY popular army are sure to make an appearance throughout the next year here at the club.
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