Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Portents of things to come...

Kreoss slowly rolled up the scroll and placed it back carefully in its intricately carved bone tube. If any of the assembled noticed the uncharacteristic shake in his hands they had the discipline not to react. He looked up at the Harbinger who simply nodded, as if to confirm the contents of the scroll. Gazing upon her countenance hovering high above him, he could actually feel the hand of Menoth guiding the fate of the world, bringing them all to this place and in this time. The tremble disappeared as his resolve was forged anew.

Kreoss turned to his brethren and spoke in  a voice that barely rose above a whisper but carried to each of them like the strongest wind. "These scrolls of ancient scripture have spoken true, the time of prophesy is at hand. We must not falter. The sons of the Dragon must be put to heel and the heathen be purified in fire, else the world be consumed in darkness..."

Thus begins the battles for the Brutal Frontier.....

Welcome to the new web blog for the N.C.C. Games Club. Here you will find information concerning phases of our Warmachine/Hordes league play, Battle reports, Modelling reports and well as spotlights on the other games we will be playing concurrently.

Right now we are in the process of learning how to play the game. Once you have receieved a few demos you will find it goes much easier and much quicker. The majority of the Warmahordes rules are pretty user friendly and reasonably intuitive once you get going.


NCC - Room 108 - Tuesdays - 2:30

Club Liasons - Mr Craig and Mr Bunton

Club President (we need to come up with a better title for him!) Ryan Henderson

Club "Master of Arms" - Andrew Beach. Mr. Craig's assistant Andrew is the one who will usually lock up the room/shut down the club after Mr. Craig has left. His knowledge of the rules is as good (or often better) than Mr. Craig's. He is the "Go To" guy for most of your gaming questions and need

League Game - Warmachine/Hordes (aka warmahordes). We have started with 18 point lists to get a feel for the game. Bigger games will happen as students begin to speed up their game time and models become available.

 Armies available:
Retribution (2+ casters)
Mercs (2+ casters)
Khador (2+ casters - includes actual starter force)
Menoth (2+ casters - includes actual starter force)
Circle Orboros (2+ casters)